Friday, September 24, 2010

Tarbatu has a "nest" now!:)

It's a very happy week for us. Just a couple of days ago I finished negotiations with a non-profit organisation Noor-Eesti Loomekeskuse aka NELK and its financial "front" (a ltd). They are managing the house you can see on the picture. Basically they provide rooms and oppurtunity for multiple interesting organisations and the like. A print museum, shop, a little hostel, a practice room for a band and so on and so on. On Wednesday, 23rd of October the Elders' Council of Tarbatu , consisting of 7 members of our club, including me, looked through the contract and our great chieftain put signed it with his paw.

We will not rent the rooms permanently, no monthly fee, except for a trivial fee for a locked closet. We want to leave our things there and have access to them all the time. But otherwise we will organize open workshops there. In return we can organize internal workshop, fighting practices and whatever we like there. A barter deal basically. I will not go into the boring details here :).

From October 2010 to May 2011 re-enactment group Tarbatu plans to hold following open workshops:
1) nalbinding (the first one, in the second half of October),
2) bronze brooch (either bronze casting or forging),
3) Skjoldehamn hood (in November or December, so people can look cute during holidays ;)),
4) tablet weaving,
6) the basics of viking age sewing (shirt, pants etc),
7) spiral ring,
8) bracelet,
9) knife -- blade, sheath, handle,
10) leather pouch,
11) one piece shoes (leather),
12) wooden spoon,
13) wooden bowl.

I'm too lazy to post links for all these things at the moment. I will give more detailed links in the future.

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